
SUBLIME ORDINÁRIO / Vznešená obyčajnosť (2022)
Skupinová výstava/Group exhibition
5. 2. - 19. 3. 2022
Espaço CAMA, Alameda Lorena 1257, Casa 4, Jardim Paulista, São Paulo (Brazil)

Curator/Kurátor: Artur Lescher


Výstava s názvom „Sublime Ordinário“ je skupinová prehliadka navrhnutá Arturom Lescherom pre Espaço C.A.M.A., ktorá spája diela 10 umelcov, ktorí hľadajú výnimočné v spoločných objektoch a materiáloch. Roztrhané látky sa stávajú geometrickými vzormi, odkrývajú sa omietky a zvyšky stien, knihy sa stávajú hlavným motívom umeleckých diskusií medzi inými známymi materiálmi, ktoré sa neprirodzene nehodia k svojmu pôvodu.


„Dôležitým aspektom výberu diel je, že umelci hľadajú cestu odčítania. Extrahujú hmotu na ochárskim spôsobom, sublimujú to, čo je bežné,“ spomína Lescher vo svojej kurátorskej reči.


Výstava trvala od soboty 5. februára do 19. marca na oboch poschodiach galérie. Zúčastnených umelcov reprezentujú galérie, ktoré sú súčasťou Espaço C.A.M.A. ako aj umelcov pozvaných kurátorom.



The show entitled “Sublime Ordinário” is a group show proposed by Artur Lescher for Espaço C.A.M.A., which brings together works by 10 artists who look for the extraordinary in ordinary objects and materials. Fabrics frayed pieces become geometric patterns, plasters and wall scraps are exposed, books become the main reasons for artistic debate among other familiar materials that are suitable in a non-natural to its origin.


“An important aspect of the selection of works is that the artists seek the way of subtraction. They remove matter in the manner of a sculptor, sublimating what is common", mentions Lescher about his curation.


The exhibition opens on Saturday, February 5th and runs until the 19th of March, occupying the two floors of the gallery. The participating artists are represented both by the galleries that are part of Espaço C.A.M.A. as well as artists invited by the curator.


Vystavujúci autori/Participated authors:

Cao Guimarães

Bernardo Glogowski

Fábia Schnoor

Fernando Laszlo

Ignacio Gatica

Lucas Dupin

Manoela Medeiros

Marina Weffort

Martin Derner

Sofia Caesar.


Dátum otvorenia: sobota, 05. 02. od 11.00 do 18.00

Alameda Lorena 1257, Casa 4, Jardim Paulista, São Paulo - 01424-005 (Brazil)


Info material about exhibition: 










Mutual Art



Espaço CAMA






CAMA is a collaboration platform created and organized collectively by agents of the contemporary art market. A terrain for horizontal relations in the cultural circuit, with the intention of debating the accessibility and transparency of the medium, the professionalization and responsibilities of its individuals, the maintenance of the memory of extinct spaces and other necessary conversations. Conceived at the end of 2019 from weekly virtual meetings between the directors of the galleries Kubikgallery (Porto, Portugal), Cavalo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Periscope (Belo Horizonte, Brazil), CASANOVA (São Paulo, Brazil) and the space of projects and publisher 55SP (São Paulo, Brazil), C.A.M.A. wants to launch a series of communally designed physical and digital projects.
c·a·m·a space